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Online Blockchain Plc

Online Blockchain Plc is incorporated in England and Wales. Reg Number: 03203042.

Board Responsibilities

The Group is led and controlled by the Board of Online Blockchain Plc, currently comprising of a Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Technical Director.


The Board meets regularly to consider strategy and policy, major capital expenditure and all aspects of the Group’s

activities and business operations. The Board has a formal schedule of matters reserved specifically for decision by

the Board. Effectively, no decision of any material consequence is made other than by the Directors and all Directors

participate in the key areas of decision-making. The Board is responsible to shareholders for the proper management

of the Group.


There is no agreed formal procedure for the Directors to take independent professional advice at the Group’s expense.

However, independent professional advice is made available where considered appropriate.


In accordance with the Company’s Bye-Laws, Directors submit themselves for re-appointment at the Annual General

Meeting in rotation at the Annual General Meeting.


Audit & Risk Committee

The Company has an Audit Committee. It meets at least once a year and is responsible for ensuring that the financial performance of the Group is properly reported on and monitored and for meeting the auditors and reviewing the reports from the auditors relating to the accounts and internal control systems.


Internal Controls

The Directors acknowledge their responsibility for the Group’s systems of internal controls and for reviewing their

effectiveness. These internal controls are designed to safeguard the assets of the Group and to ensure the reliability

of financial information for both internal use and external publication.


Anti- Bribery Policy

Online Blockchain Plc embraces a culture of zero tolerance policy of bribery and corruption throughout all of its business lines. It is Online Blockchain's policy to comply with all laws, rules and regulations governing anti-bribery and anti-corruption law. Online Blockchain Plc is committed to conducting its business and affairs so as to ensure that it does not engage in, or facilitate, any form of corruption.


Online Blockchain Plc  defines bribery and corruption as follows:


The receiving or offering of any undue reward by or to any holder of public office, employee, colleague or representative

of any other organisation, designed to influence us in the exercise of their duty, and to incline them to act contrary to

accepted standards of honesty and integrity.


The misuse of public office or public power for private gain by offering or promising anything of value, whether directly

or indirectly, to a public official or a political candidate, party or party official in order to obtain, retain or direct business,

or to secure any improper business advantage. Also included is the demanding or accepting of anything of value by

such a person as a condition to conferring an improper business advantage, whether directly indirectly.


Laws and Regulations

The Bribery Act was given Royal Assent in 8th April 2010 and came into force on 1st July 2011.


It is an offence to give/receive a bribe; to promise/offer/request/agree to receive a bribe; to bribe a foreign public official

and for a senior officer to consent/connive in any such offence.


Online’s Policy and Practices

Online's Bribery and Corruption Policy applies to all employees, including those with trading names of Online Blockchain Plc in which Online Blockchain Plc has a controlling interest, as well as contract services consultants, contractors, irrespective of their location, function, grade or standing. Subsidiaries in which Online Blockchain Plc  does not have a controlling interest (any joint ventures in which Online Blockchain Plc participates) are encouraged to apply the policy.

Shareholder Information

Online Blockchain PLC

Shares in Issue     


Shares held in Treasury 


Securities not in Public hands

3,059,350          21.37%

Major Shareholders

Ordinary Shares                     

C H Chambers        

1,529,364          10.7%

M J Hodges             

1,365,500           9.5%

Securities Restrictions

There are currently no restrictions on the transfer of securities

Registered Address

Online Blockchain PLC

85 Great Portland Street,

First Floor,
W1W 7LT.

Contact via :


Neville Registrars Limited,

Neville House,

Steelpark Rd,


B62 8HD.

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